Silicone Varnished Frp Pultruded Dub Braid Fiberglass Tube Lag luam wholesale

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Yooj yim ua thiab nruab. Cov iav fiber ntau tuaj yeem hloov kho rau ntau yam kev siv. Peb cov raj fierbglass muaj nyob rau hauv cov qauv thiab kev cai ntau thiab tsawg rau koj lub zog, durability, lub teeb yuag thiab rigidity.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Taw qhia

1. Lub teeb yuag thiab siab zog

2. Zoo heev corrosion kuj

3. Hluav taws xob, cua sov thiab suab rwb thaiv tsev

4. Kev tu tsis pub dawb

5. Kev ua tau zoo heev yog raws li hauv qab no:

(1) Kev Nyab Xeeb (2) Kev ruaj ntseg (3) Durability (4) Siab zog

6. Kev kho deg: Smooth grating, concave grating, Microporous grating, Sand grating, Npog grilling, pob tshab grating

a) Smooth nto thiab italic mesh ua kom yooj yim los ntxuav.

b) Uniform cross-distribution ntawm loads nce load nqa peev xwm.

c) Qhov zawj saum npoo tiv thaiv kev ntog, thiab nws yog qhov zoo dua los npog cov xuab zeb hom swb.

Silicone (8)
Silicone (9)
Silicone (10)

Vim Li Cas Xaiv Peb

Pab neeg ua haujlwm nrog 15 xyoo carbon fiber kev lag luam kev paub

Hoobkas nrog 12 xyoo keeb kwm

High quality carbon fiber ntaub los ntawm Nyiv / US / Kauslim

Kev kuaj xyuas zoo hauv tsev, kev kuaj xyuas tus neeg thib peb kuj muaj yog tias thov

Tag nrho cov txheej txheem yog nruj me ntsis raws li ISO 9001

Kev xa khoom sai, sijhawm luv luv

Tag nrho cov pa roj carbon fiber ntau nrog 1 xyoo warranty

Tshiab (1)
Tshiab (3)
Tshiab (2)
Tshiab (4)


Khoom npe Fibergalss Tube
Khoom siv Cov iav fiber ntau dov resins
Nto Smooth, Matte tiav, High gloss tiav
Xim Liab, Dub, Dawb, Daj lossis Kev Cai
Ntev 10ft 15ft 18ft 25ft 30ft 35ft 40ft 45ft 50ft 55ft 60ft 70ft 72ft
Loj 20mm-200mm, los yog kev cai
Daim ntawv thov 1. Kev lag luam hluav taws xob thiab hluav taws xob
2. Cable tais, radome, rwb thaiv tsev ntaiv, thiab lwm yam.
3. Kev lag luam tshuaj tiv thaiv corrosion
4. Grating pem teb, tes tuav, ua hauj lwm platform, underground siab yeeb nkab, ntaiv, thiab lwm yam.
5. Kev tsim vaj tsev ua lag luam
6. Qhov rai ncej, qhov rais sash thiab nws cov khoom, thiab lwm yam.
7. Lampposts, dej kho, brackets tiv thaiv loj loj industrial txias yees, thiab lwm yam.
Qhov zoo Durable
Lub teeb nyhav thiab siab zog
Corrosion resistant thiab anti-aging
Thaum tshav kub kub thiab suab isulation High Mechanical Strength
Tsawg ceev thiab siab ncaj
Dimensional stability
Impact resistance UV Resistant nplaim Resistant
Abrasion thiab Impact Resistance
Kev pabcuam CNC txiav raws li koj daim duab CAD
Sau raws li AI cov ntaub ntawv
Peb cov khoom Carbon fiber tube, carbon fiber phaj, carbon fiber profiles

Khoom paub

Cov iav fiber ntau lub teeb yog lub teeb thiab tawv, tsis yog-conductive, siab mechanical zog, aging kuj, kub tsis kam, corrosion kuj, yog li nyob rau hauv roj av, hluav taws xob fais fab, tshuaj lom neeg kev lag luam, ntawv ua, dej hauv nroog thiab dej ntws, Hoobkas dej phwj kho, seawater. desalination, roj kis tau tus mob thiab lwm yam kev lag luam tau dav siv.

Kev pabcuam

Cov khoom siv fiberglass kuj txawv ntawm cov khoom siv ib txwm siv, hauv kev ua haujlwm, kev siv, lub neej tus cwj pwm zoo dua li cov khoom siv ib txwm muaj. Nws yooj yim qauv, tuaj yeem kho tau, xim ntawm yuav xa tawm cov yam ntxwv, los ntawm cov tub lag luam thiab cov neeg muag khoom nyiam, tuav ntau thiab ntau qhov kev lag luam loj.

Pheej yig (5)
Direct (5)
Direct (7)

Daim ntawv pov thawj

Daim ntawv pov thawj ISO9001

Tuam txhab

tuam txhab-


CNC tshuab dhos



Kev tshuaj xyuas

团队-技术, 销售


ntim khoom - (1)
ntim khoom - (2)

Kev xa khoom


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